23 MAY 2017
Why should you update your website?
Just as technology advances, so too does website design. Not only do modern websites need to keep up with modern technology, but it's what your customers expect too.
Is your website ready for mobile?
Over half of all purchases made online are made on a mobile device. Having a responsive website, that is, a website that works on most devices including desktops, tablets and mobiles, is essential.
Chances are that if your website is more than 2-3 years old, it either won't be mobile-friendly at all, it won't have been optimised for mobile, or you'll have been charged an astounding fee to make it responsive.
Nowadays, your web designer should build your website to be responsive as standard, without any additional charges or fees.
This allow you to service those customers who prefer to research, review and purchase on their mobile phone. And importantly, Google and the other search engines rank responsive websites better than those that aren't mobile friendly.
Does it look outdated?
Web design trends move quickly, and an outdated website is easy to spot. Too much content, non-responsive, small text and old fashioned imagery can all scream ‘old fashioned’. Modern internet users expect to see modern websites, and are more likely to engage with a website that meets their expectations rather than an old fashioned website.
What Google says...
"HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an internet communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of data between the user's computer and the site. Users expect a secure and private online experience when using a website. We encourage you to adopt HTTPS in order to protect your users' connection to your website, regardless of the content on the site."
Browsers and security software now warn users when they are accessing an unsecured website, with a warning flag or message. In addition, many firewalls will prevent users from accessing websites without an SSL certificate or that isn't trusted, especially used in businesses. Even if there is nothing malicious on the website, it is still a deterrent for users.
If you're a B2B organisation or you sell anything online, we would recommend moving your website to HTTPS. You don't have to redesign the website to make the move, but there may be advantages of updating the content at the same time.
Can you access your information?
It isn't uncommon for websites that are 4 years or older to have no content management system, at least none that you can update easily. In the past few years, content management systems (CMS) have become mainstream, with most web developers able to offer a system that is easy enough to use with just a few hours of training. Not only can you access the content modules but there’s other functionality available within some CMS such as website statistics and social media plugins.
Not only does a CMS keep costs low, as you don’t have to pay a designer to make updates, it also allows you to make those updates more frequently.
Is the content up to date?
The improvement in Content Management Systems means there's no excuse not to keep your website up to date. Contact details, team members, services and products offered...all of these should be accurate. If you are advertising products that you no longer offer you risk angering consumers.
On the other hand, if you're not advertising new products or services, you could be missing out on a large customer base that simply doesn't know you can help them.
Should you be offering eCommerce?
If you sell a product at a physical store, there’s no reason why you can’t also sell those products online. Ecommerce websites allow you to massively increase your potential customer base with multi-language, multi-region and multi-currency functionality.
As long as you have a solution for shipping, ecommerce website development can be configured to take care of the rest.
If you think it might be time for a website update, or you’re looking for a brand new website, contact our website development team using the enquiry form below, or call the office on 0113 231 1066.