02 APRIL 2020

Keeping the wheels of business turning


We are living in very different times, and communications are playing a critical role in helping businesses and people to stay moving and stay connected. When news of the lockdown first broke PCM Systems, one of Leeds’ leading independent technology companies, saw the implications and immediately began work to ensure that clients and their workforces could mobilise from home.

There were a couple of key issues. Firstly, the short timescales involved and secondly the fact that many employees did not have suitable equipment already in their homes or the ability to set up the programs and systems to help them do their jobs effectively away from the office.

"We can work from anywhere, and we’re all equally connected at home or in the workplace, so we were ideally placed to manage the mobilisation", said Matt Feeny, Director at PCM Systems.

Within a few short hours there was quite literally not a laptop or a Skype headset to be found anywhere, so the PCM team set to work sourcing components and building computers for their clients to ensure they could continue to work. From breweries to consulting engineers, financial services, property management businesses, distribution companies and manufacturing concerns, PCM’s client list is varied and their needs all differed significantly.

Some issues were more complex. As an example, one company of consulting engineers needed a different approach. They utilise more powerful computers for BIM modelling work, so PCM set up a special type of software enabling them to access these systems remotely from home. Other companies wanted group chat and text chat, video conferencing for webinars, whilst for some it was adapting and fixing individual IT issues on home PCs to improve performance and ensure they could communicate as required.

"It’s still busy and we’re continuing to fight fires in some areas", explained Matt. "However, we’re pleased and proud that our user base and technical support clients have been able to rely on our skills and ingenuity to optimise their resources and, where possible, continue to run their businesses whilst staying home to protect themselves and others",